Number of unique devices = 762
Number of visits = 14872
OS version:
3.0 => 8
3.1 => 4
3.1.1 => 1
3.1.2 => 86
3.1.3 => 628
3.2 => 28
4.0 => 3
Device type:
iPhone => 637
iPad => 28
iPod Touch => 97
Number of unique devices = 762
Number of visits = 14872
OS version:
3.0 => 8
3.1 => 4
3.1.1 => 1
3.1.2 => 86
3.1.3 => 628
3.2 => 28
4.0 => 3
Device type:
iPhone => 637
iPad => 28
iPod Touch => 97
Have you noticed that the loading message changes each time you run the app?
(These are just a few … there are more!)
UPDATE: It has been approved.
Check out the updated page for HKWarnings and the version history page
Is in review:
Push notifications for HKWarnings are now in beta testing.
Should be live in a week or two.
Nearly at 500…
Number of unique devices = 497
Number of visits = 7827
OS version:
3.0 => 6
3.1 => 4
3.1.1 => 1
3.1.2 => 56
3.1.3 => 406
3.2 => 21
4.0 => 2
Device type:
iPhone => 405
iPad => 21
iPod Touch => 71
I just submitted v1.1 to the AppStore for review.
After a week, here are some stats:
Number of unique devices = 229
Number of visits = 2466
OS version
3.0 => 3
3.1 => 1
3.1.1 => 1
3.1.2 => 26
3.1.3 => 182
3.2 => 15
4.0 => 1
Device type
iPhone => 177
iPad => 15
iPod Touch => 37
I’ve been working on v1.1 all day today: Traditional Chinese localisation.
It will need a fair bit of testing by my friends – I can’t read Chinese!
Anyway – will be coming soon.