After months of work, HKWarnings v2.0 is now a Universal iPhone/iPod/iPad app and is now ready for download.
The iPad version shows the warnings, plus current weather, radar and satellite images and has links to other weather agency typhoon tracks. Click on the “Menu” button. And maybe on the “heart” icon?
IMPORTANT NOTE: HKWarnings now only runs on devices running iOS 5.0 or greater. If you are running iOS 4.x, iTunes will not let you upgrade, but if you have, for example, two devices, one running 5.0+ and one running 4.x, if you upgrade on the 5.0+ device, when you next sync your 4.x device, HKWarnings will be removed from the 4.x device. This is an iTunes ‘feature’ I’m afraid.
Other screenshots below. User guide coming soon…
Other screens: